About CCF
Who We Are
2013: Ten Years of Global Grantmaking
Links of Interest

STEPHEN C. NICHOLS, President & Founder
Steve was a volunteer teacher in Vietnam in 1967-1968.  Following a stint on the General Counsel's staff at the US Privacy Protection Study Commission, he practiced law in Washington D.C., concentrating on energy issues and representing non-profit organizations. He works on property development and conservation matters in California, where he previously served as CEO of a mutual water company.

ROBERT M. WOLCOTT, Vice President
Rob is an environmental economist, first with Public Interest Economics followed by a career as Deputy Assistant at US EPA in the Office of Policy, Economics and Innovation with a short term assignment to the World Resources Institute.  He holds a PhD (ABD) in Economics.

SARAH J. BENSON, Secretary & Treasurer
Sally is an educator and longtime justice and peace activist with non-profit management experience. Her global perspective is informed by extensive travel and life in Asia.  She holds masters degrees in Education and Theological Studies majoring in social and political ethics.

Lauren is Technical Manager for the American Carbon Registry, a project of Winrock International.  She hold's a master's degree in Environmental Management and Economics from Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment and a degree in biology from Bates College.

June has worked as an environment and communications consultant to the
World Bank, US EPA and several NGOs.  She was the Communications Director for the
Center for Climate Strategies 2007-2011 and serves as a Director of Get America Working.

Chet is a serial social entrepreneur as the founder of the Global Greengrants Fund, and the RTC Impact Fund.  He serves on the boards of directors of CDR Associates, the Sustainable Development Strategies Group, and the editorial board of Alliance Magazine.  He has served as regional director of Greenpeace in San Francisco, and a staff member for the American Friends Service Committee in Denver.

Nicholas J. Gurnon  is a graduate student researcher with the University of Oregon's Industrialized Internship Program and a fellow at the Center for Sustainable Materials Chemistry.  He holds a masters degree in photo-voltaic chemistry and is a PhD candidate.

Natasha Miller is Executive Assistant to the Senior Vice President of Philanthropic Partnerships for the Pew Charitable Trusts and previously with the Field Programs Division at Conservation International.  She is a graduate in Geography and Environmental Systems.


Kenton R. Miller (1939-2011)  Renowned for innovation in protected lands management in response to climate, social and economic changes, Kenton served as Director General of IUCN and a vice-president of World Resources Institute.  He was CCF’s original and beloved advisor.

(Please review our Grant Processing Policy before contacting us.)

Chino Cienega Foundation
901 N. Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 200
Palm Springs, CA 92262-4451

Email contact:  info@chinofound.org